New Features in Photoshop CC 2018 to know Photographers

New Features in Photoshop CC to know Photographers - win the central organization of the Adobe max 2017, Adobe introduced the latest update from the application package Adobe Creative Cloud, the one who gets the renewal application is adobe photoshop CC.

New Features in Photoshop CC 2018 to know Photographers

New Features Itended to make the work using Adobe Photoshop Become more efficient and effective. In addition to providing New Features Adobe also improves the performance of the old features.

Of the many such features there are some new features and significant update to the photographer as well as retoucher.

In this time, i will discuss the new features in photoshop 6 CC 2018 that need to be know by the photographer.

New Features in Photoshop CC 2018

1. Select and Mask

this feature is not really the new feature in photoshop, because it's already available in previous version of photoshop.

Select feature and Mask is ussualy use to make sellection on complex area such as in the area of hair. In 2018, Photoshop CC do update algorithm on this features, so that the process the selection and masking become more accurate and more efficient that the previous version.

2. Range Mask

This feature is feature that can be found in Adobe Lightroom CC and CC classic annouced in unison with  photoshop CC 2018.

In photoshop, you can access this features through the adobe camera RAW (via the filter menu) , by using this feature, you can make the process easier by using the masking guide color and luminance on the area of the photo as guideline.

3. Preserve Detail

Often time as photographers, we are condition not ideal that requires us to do upscale image (resize image dimension be larger).

That often happens when we resize the image become larger, the photo loses detail that previously existed. New features in photoshop there are method of 2018 CC image resize new preserve detail 2.0 that will try to retain detail in the image is created becomes larger.

An interesting features of this new technology utilizing deep machine learning of artificial intellegence.

4. Copy Layer

This feature may be a new feature in photoshop the simplest 2018 CC, but will most often used when doing compositting and layer work.
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In the previous version of photoshop, you will need to make selection on the first layer to perform the copy process. Now, in the lastest version, you no longer to need to the selection on the layer perform the copy process. Simply select the layer and then access the copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) as generally in other application.

5. Brush Smoothing

The sector suffered many brush updates in version photoshop CC 2018 times, tools that photographers often use to do editting, masking to dodging and burning is getting additional features smoothing. This feature can be accessed in the option bar (below the menu bar) when the brush tool in the active states. The extitence of this feature, you can do now the process of brushing with more accuracy that was previously hard to do by using a mouse.

6. Support 360 Image

It currently has a lot of available cameras that can do the recording process image 360 format. Now that photoshop has support picture file with the format of 360.You can then the perform the process of editing and retouch are wont to do an a normal image.

So the new feature in photoshop 6 CC 2018 of the many other new features that i think are important to note, and then controlled by the photographer and retoucher.

In addition to above a features 6 there are also some other interesting feature such us Curevature Pen (adapted from tool in Adobe Illustrator) and variabel fonts, for a complete desciption regarding the new stuff just about anything in photoshop CC 2018 can be seen on this page.

If you want to download Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, you can click HERE.

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